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[view] [edit]Template-info.png Template documentation

Template:Template doc page transcluded

Overview[edit source]

Should be the go-to for inline text-sized icons on this wiki.

Parameters[edit source]

{{Icon|icon name|text|width=22px}}

Parameter Info Required Notes Examples
1 icon name Required The concept you want an icon for infantry, heavy tank
2 text Optional Text linked to be displayed alongside the icon. Leave it blank if you don't want any text. Write 1 if you want the default text that goes with the icon 1, Paradox
width size Optional The size of the image, as in MediaWiki image syntax. Defaults to 22px, except for unit icons, which default to x22px (22px height) instead. 30px

Usage Examples[edit source]

Code Result
{{Icon|infantry}} {{#switch:infantry #default = (unrecognized string "infantry" for Template:Icon)
{{Icon|lighttank|1}} {{#switch:lighttank #default = (unrecognized string "lighttank" for Template:Icon)
{{Icon|super heavy tank|Bananas}} {{#switch:super heavy tank #default = (unrecognized string "super heavy tank" for Template:Icon)